May 1, 2008 - White Plains, NY.
The 19th Annual Dinner Event, held on May 1st at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in White Plains,
attracted our area’s honorable city, county, state and national political leaders and dignitaries.
In attendance were Westchester County Legislator Bill Ryan, Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, and
White Plains Common Council members Tom Roach and Milagros Lecuona. The
Citizen Extraordinaire Award
was conferred to Dr. Judith Higgins.
President Robert Hoch presided. An honor guard comprised of Revolutionary War re-enactors carried
in the flag. There was a special remembrance to our men and women in the armed forces by Members
of the Pipes and Drums of the Police Emerald Society of Westchester County.
Vice President John Vorperian presented the Nominating Committee's report for officers and trustees,
which was unanimously accepted.
The guest speaker was Dr. Roger Panetta, Professor of History at Fordham University, Curator of
Fordham University Libraries' Hudson River Collection, and an Adjunct Curator for History at the
Hudson River Museum. Dr. Panetta spoke on the “1909 Hudson-Fulton Tercentennial Celebration.”
Revolutionary War re-enactors
Pledge of Allegiance
National Anthem, played by Suzanne Hoch
Sister Alice Feeley, R. D. C., President, Sisters of the Divine Compassion offers prayer
Jack and Peg Harrington
Pipes and Drums of the Police Emerald Society
Youngest colonial
Trustee Dan Haines introduces Citizen Extraordinaire
Citizen Extraordinaire Dr. Judith Higgins
President Rob Hoch presents Citizen Extraordinaire Award to Dr. Higgins
Director of the Westchester County Archives and Records Center Patricia Dohrenwend introduces Dr. Panetta
Dr. Panetta giving his presentation on the 1909 Hudson-Fulton Tercentennial Celebratrion
Photographs by KLP Inc.