The White Plains Historical Society

Annual Dinner 2010

May 6, 2010 - White Plains, NY.

The 21st Annual Dinner Event was held on May 6th at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in White Plains. President Rob Hoch presided.

An honor guard of Revolutionary War re-enactors led by Trustee Denis Jones presented Old Glory. Trustee Bruce Handler led the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilwoman Milagros Lecuona, a bit surprised to be asked, beautifully led the singing of our national anthem. First Vice President John Vorperian gave us our blessing.

Chairwoman Patti Indelicato proclaimed the Nominating Committee's report. Presented for three year terms on the Board of Trustees were David Buchwald, Denis Jones, Dan Haines, and Miriam Varian. Presented for one year terms as officers were President Rob Hoch, First Vice President John Vorperian, Second Vice President Lou DeGenaro, and Treasurer Ray Indelicato. All were elected without opposition.

In attendance were Westchester County Legislator Bill Ryan, Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, Mayor Adam Bradley, and Common Council Members Tom Roach, Ben Boykin, Milagros Lecuona, Dennis Power, Beth Smyrna and David Buchwald, Society Members and guests.

A special tribute was given to the late Walter Handelman and to his sister Alice Model for their generosity in support of the White Plains Historical Society, Renoda Hoffman and the publication of Yesterday in White Plains.

The Citizen Extraordinaire Award was conferred upon Riena Kaplow. Her family and friends were present to witness this proud moment. Trustee and Former President Robert Friedman made the introduction and presentation. This day has been designated as "Riena Kaplow Day" in the City of White Plains as declared by White Plains Common Council President Tom Roach, and in the County of Westchester as declared by Legislator Bill Ryan.

The guest speaker was Arthur S. Lefkowitz, a noted writer and historian who presented an entertaining slide show comprising art works of the Revolutionary War, including many portraits of George Washington. We learned that full length portraits "cost an arm and a leg" and that the famous painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze has many historical inaccuracies. The historically accurate flag would have been the Grand Union Flag, and the river depicted is the Rhine of Germany where the artist lived and painted in 1850. The painting on exhibit at Metropolitan Museum of Art is a second painting originally purchased by Marshall O. Roberts, changed ownership several times, and was donated by John Stewart Kennedy in 1897.

Table centerpieces were provided by Amodio's Garden Center, Nursery and Flowershop.

Cocktail Hour
Brynne and Trustee Dan Haines

Check In
Trustees Denis Jones, Patti and Ray Indelicato

President Hoch
Initiates Proceedings

Assemblywoman Amy Paulin
Recognizes Honorees

Honor Guard
Led by Trustee Denis Jones

Milagros Lecuona
Leading National Anthem Singing

Patti Indelicato
Chairwoman of Nominating Commitee

John Vorperian
First Vice President

William Miller
Remembrance of Walter Handelman

Alice Model
Receives Special Recognition Award from President Rob Hoch

Riena Kaplow
Receives Citzen Extraondinaire Award from President Rob Hoch

Riena Kaplow
Addresses Audience

David Buchwald
Delivers Proclamations

Bill Ryan
Proclaims Riena Kaplow Day in Westchester County

Revolutionary War Artworks

Rod Carlson
Writer and Society Member

Writer PJ DeGenaro and Myra Carriero

Alice Model with Friends and Family

Riena Kaplow with Family

Speaker, Representatives and President

Officers and Trustees

Photographs by Rob Hoch and Lou DeGenaro