The 23nd Annual Dinner Event was held on May 3rd at the White Plains Woman's Club (a National Historic Site), the second year running at this location. President Rob Hoch presided.
An honor guard of war re-enactors led by Trustee Denis Jones presented Old Glory. Trustee Michelle Grieco-Varnit led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pianist Suzanne Hoch accompanied all in the singing of our National Anthem. The invocation was given by Sister Kristin Donworth of The Sisters of Divine Compassion.
Nominating Committee Chairman John Vorperian proclaimed the Nominating Committee's report. Presented for three year terms on the Board of Trustees were Dan Haines, Alan Hartman (filling vacancy for one year), Denis Jones, and George Jones. Presented for one year terms as officers were President Rob Hoch, First Vice President John Vorperian, and Second Vice President Lou DeGenaro. Presented for a five year term as Honorary Trustee was Jack Harrington. All were elected without opposition.
In attendance were Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, Assemblyman Robert Castelli, Westchester County Legislator Bill Ryan, Mayor Tom Roach, and Common Council Members Ben Boykin, Milagros Lecuona, Dennis Krolian, Beth Smayda, John Martin and David Buchwald, Society Members and guests.
The Citizen Extraordinaire Award was conferred upon Dennis Power. His wife, daughter, grandchildren and friends were present to witness this proud moment. Honorary Trustee (and former President) Jack Harrington made the award presentation. This day has been designated as "Dennis Power Day" in the City of White Plains announced Mayor Roach, and also in the County of Westchester made known Legislator Ryan.
Many previous awardees and former government officials were also present.
The guest speaker was writer and historian Joseph Cummins, who spoke on "Anything For A Vote". The talk was lively, entertaining and well received.
Catering was provided by Caperberry. Table centerpieces were provided by Amodio's Garden Center, Nursery and Flowershop.
Woman's Club Entrance Trustee Denis Jones, Yvonne Gumowitz, Eben Turnure (grandson of one of the founders of the Woman's Club), Jack Ciotti and Brian Shay
Tables Are Ready
Check-in Trustee George Jones with volunteers Fran Jones and Riena Kaplow
Cocktail Hour Liz Shollenberger
"Anything For A Vote" Joseph Cummins
Judge Robert Friedman and Judge Roseanna Washington
Midge Sanchez, Jack Harrington and Hon. Benjamin Boykin
Trustee Miriam Varian, Laura Vookles and P.J. DeGenaro
Trustee Howard Waldman, Lea Waldman and Councilman/Trustee David Buchwald
Dennis Power, Trustee Michelle Grieco-Varnit, Bruce Handler
Young Guests
Honor Guard
President Rob Hoch
NYS Assemblywoman Amy Paulin
Introduction by Germaine Robinson
Jack Harrington
Dennis Power Citizen Extraordinaire
Mayor Tom Roach Proclamation of Dennis Power Day in the City of White Plains
County Legislator Bill Ryan
First VP John VorperianIntroduction of Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker Joseph Cummins
Anything For A Vote Dirty Tricks, Cheap Shots and October Surprises in U.S. Presidential Elections
Erika Power Cozza, Jack Harrington, and Dennis Power
Riena Kaplow, Lea Waldman, Beth Smayda, Dennis Power, and Fran Jones
Mary Paquet, Larry Paquet, Dennis Power
Dennis & MG Power
Photographs by Lou DeGenaro and Fran Jones