May 7, 2015 - White Plains, NY.
The 26th Annual Dinner Event was held on May 7th at the White Plains Woman's Club (a National Historic Site), the 5th year running at this location. President Rob Hoch presided.
An honor guard of war re-enactors led by Trustee Denis Jones presented Old Glory. Trustee Teddy Lee, Jr. led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pianist Suzanne Hoch accompanied all in the singing of our National Anthem. The invocation was given by Pastor Ralph Berg, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.
Nominating Committee Chairman John Vorperian proclaimed the Nominating Committee's report. Presented for three year terms on the Board of Trustees were Lou DeGenaro, Rob Hoch, Denis Jones, and George Jones. Appointed to fill unexpired terms were Cynthia Kauffman and Debra Palazzo. Presented for one year terms as officers were President Rob Hoch, First Vice President John Vorperian, and Second Vice President Lou DeGenaro. All were elected without opposition.
In attendance were Westchester County Legislator Ben Boykin, State Assemblyman David Buchwald, State Senator George Latimer, Mayor Tom Roach, Common Council Members Milagros Lecuona and Dennis Krolian, former Common Council Member Dennis Power, several previous C.E. awardees, Society Members and guests.
Citizen Extraordinaire Award
was conferred upon Bob Hyland. Check Mercein made the award presentation. Certificates from the City of White Plains, the Westchester County Legislature, New York State Assembly and Senate and the U.S. Congress were duly conferred.
The guest speaker was author Mark Will-Weber, who spoke on "Drinking With The Presidents". The talk and slide show were well received.
Catering was provided by Caperberry. Table centerpieces were provided by Amodio's Garden Center, Nursery and Flowershop.
Table 9
Hors d'oeuvres
Cocktail Hour
Dinner Organizers Barbara Carlson and George Jones
More Cocktail Hour
Proclamations Galore
Even More Cocktail Hour
Please Take Your Seats Presideht Rob Hoch
Honor Guard Comprising Re-enactors Led By Denis Jones
Honor Guard Proceeding Through The Crowd
Pledge Led by Teddy Lee, Jr.
Grace Father Ralph Berg
Election of Trustees and Officers Committee Chair John Vorperian
Chuck Mercein Introduction
Bob Hyland Citizen Extraordinaire
Award 2nd VP Vorperian, Bob Hyland, Chuck Mercein, Pres. Hoch
Mayor Roach
Assemblyman Buchwald
County Legistator Boykin
Mark Will-Weber Drinking With The Presidents
Photographs by Lou DeGenaro