February 21, 2010 - White Plains, NY.
A large crowd gathered outside the Jacob Purdy House on a seasonable, sunny
afternoon to celebrate George Washington’s 278th Birthday at
his onetime headquarters in White Plains during the Revolutionary War.
The day’s program included
the arrival of troops,
a rendition of The Star Spangled Banner by Robert Thomspon,
Dean of the Conservatory of Music at Purchase College,
raising of the flag by Revolutionary War period re-enactors,
pledge of allegiance led by First Vice President of the Society John Vorperian,
and a tribute to George Washington given by President of the Society Rob Hoch.
President Hoch acknowledged local politicians
Mayor Adam Bradley
and members of the Common Council
Dennis Power,
Ben Boykin,
Milagros Lecuona, and
David Buchwald.
He thanked Historical Society Trustees and Members,
White Plains Citizens and everyone else for attending.
All were invited inside for birthday cake, cookies, mulled cider and other refreshments
served by gracious volunteers.
A scavanger hunt for kids was hosted by Trustee Patti and daughter Tara Indelicato.
Everyone enjoyed the festivities.
Admission was free.
Birthday Cake
Flag Raising
Star Spangled Banner Robert Thompson
Pledge of Allegiance
Dignitaries Ben Boykin, Adam Bradley, Dennis Power, David Buchwald
Tribute to George Washington Rob Hoch, President White Plains Historical Society
Mission Accomplished
City of White Plains Colonials and Citizens
Pat Callahan
Gift Shop John Vorporian, Ray Indelicato
Kids with cake!
Patti Indelicato, Dennis Power, Ben Boykin
Photographs by Lou DeGenaro and Rob Hoch