February 20, 2011 - White Plains, NY.
It was a chilly, sunny afternoon. A large crowd gathered outside the Jacob Purdy House, George Washington's headquarters in White Plains during the Revolutionary War. The occasion was to celebrate his 279th Birthday.
The program included: the arrival of troops, The Pledge of Allegiance led by Trustee Roseanna Washington, singing of The Star Spangled Banner, raising of the flag by Revolutionary War period re-enactors, and a remembrance of all U.S. troops serving at home and abroad.
President Hoch acknowledged local politicians Mayor Tom Roach and members of the Common Council Ben Boykin, Milagros Lecuona, and David Buchwald, as well as former member Bill Brown. He thanked Historical Society Trustees and Members, White Plains Citizens and everyone else for attending. All were invited inside for birthday cake, cookies, mulled cider and other refreshments served by gracious volunteers. Arriving later were Common Council members Beth Smayda and Dennis Power.
Following his well received presentation at the Society's Annual Dinner last year, author and historian Arthur S. Lefkowitz gave a lecture and slide-show explaining the integration of blacks in the Continental Army. He was assisted by our own First Vice President John Vorperian.
Also exhibited were galley copies of the soon to be published On the Streets Where We Lived: A Pictorial Study of African Americans Living in White Plains, New York from the Beginning of the Twentieth Century, sponsored by Bill Brown and edited by Harold Esannason.
Admission was free.
Refreshments Ready
Harold Esannason promoting "On the Streets Where we Lived" - a history of the African American community in White Plains
Troops led by General George Washington
Flag raising
Some of the attendees
Troops on the march
Tribute to George Washington Rob Hoch, President White Plains Historical Society
Natalie LeFace
Slides and Lecture
John Vorperian and Arthur Lefkowitz
Standing room only for lecture
Arthur Lefkowitz with his book Benedict Arnold's Army
Free refreshments
Maria Grillo
White Plains native Jonathan Svibruck dressed as a solider of the 5th NY Regiment
Doris Cypher , Trustee Patti Indelicato and Scott Jones
GW Birthday Flyer
Photographs by Lou DeGenaro & Laura Mrugalski